Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

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Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

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*This Book is annotated (it contains a detailed biography of the author). *An active Table of Contents has been added by the publisher for a better customer experience. *This book has been checked and corrected for spelling errors. Cymbeline, also known as Cymbeline, King of Britain or The Tragedy of Cymbeline, is a play by William Shakespeare, set in Ancient Britain and based on legends that formed part of the Matter of Britain concerning the early Celtic British King Cunobeline. Although listed as a tragedy in the First Folio, modern critics often classify Cymbeline as a romance. Like Othello and The Winter's Tale, it deals with the themes of innocence and jealousy. While the precise date of composition remains unknown, the play was certainly produced as early as 1611.

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #889290 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-31
  • Released on: 2015-05-31
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Review “First published in the 1930s, these works, published here in economical paperback editions . . . are still considered definitive.”–Stages

About the Author Roger Warren is at University of Leicester.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


Scene 1

Enter two Gentlemen.


You do not meet a man but frowns. Our bloods

No more obey the heavens than our courtiers'

Still seem as does the King's.

SECOND GENTLEMAN But what's the matter?


His daughter, and the heir of 's kingdom, whom

He purposed to his wife's sole son -- a widow

That late he married -- hath referred herself

Unto a poor but worthy gentleman. She's wedded,

Her husband banished, she imprisoned. All

Is outward sorrow, though I think the King

Be touched at very heart.

SECOND GENTLEMAN None but the King?


He that hath lost her, too. So is the Queen,

That most desired the match. But not a courtier,

Although they wear their faces to the bent

Of the King's looks, hath a heart that is not

Glad at the thing they scowl at.



He that hath missed the Princess is a thing

Too bad for bad report, and he that hath her --

I mean, that married her, alack, good man!

And therefore banished -- is a creature such

As, to seek through the regions of the earth

For one his like, there would be something failing

In him that should compare. I do not think

So fair an outward and such stuff within

Endows a man but he.

SECOND GENTLEMAN You speak him far.


I do extend him, sir, within himself,

Crush him together rather than unfold

His measure duly.

SECOND GENTLEMAN What's his name and birth?


I cannot delve him to the root. His father

Was called Sicilius, who did join his honor

Against the Romans with Cassibelan,

But had his titles by Tenantius, whom

He served with glory and admired success,

So gained the sur-addition Leonatus;

And had, besides this gentleman in question,

Two other sons, who in the wars o' th' time

Died with their swords in hand. For which their father,

Then old and fond of issue, took such sorrow

That he quit being; and his gentle lady,

Big of this gentleman our theme, deceased

As he was born. The King he takes the babe

To his protection, calls him Posthumus Leonatus,

Breeds him and makes him of his bedchamber,

Puts to him all the learnings that his time

Could make him the receiver of, which he took

As we do air, fast as 'twas ministered,

And in 's spring became a harvest; lived in court --

Which rare it is to do -- most praised, most loved,

A sample to the youngest, to th' more mature

A glass that feated them, and to the graver

A child that guided dotards. To his mistress,

For whom he now is banished, her own price

Proclaims how she esteemed him; and his virtue

By her election may be truly read

What kind of man he is.


Even out of your report. But pray you tell me,

Is she sole child to th' King?

FIRST GENTLEMAN His only child.

He had two sons -- if this be worth your hearing,

Mark it -- the eldest of them at three years old,

I' th' swathing clothes the other, from their nursery

Were stol'n, and to this hour no guess in knowledge

Which way they went.

SECOND GENTLEMAN  How long is this ago?

FIRST GENTLEMAN  Some twenty years.


That a king's children should be so conveyed,

So slackly guarded, and the search so slow

That could not trace them!

FIRST GENTLEMAN Howsoe'er 'tis strange,

Or that the negligence may well be laughed at,

Yet is it true, sir.

SECOND GENTLEMAN  I do well believe you.


We must forbear. Here comes the gentleman,

The Queen and Princess.

They exit.

Enter the Queen, Posthumus, and Imogen.


No, be assured you shall not find me, daughter,

After the slander of most stepmothers,

Evil-eyed unto you. You're my prisoner, but

Your jailer shall deliver you the keys

That lock up your restraint. -- For you, Posthumus,

So soon as I can win th' offended king,

I will be known your advocate. Marry, yet

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Where to Download Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Most helpful customer reviews

64 of 72 people found the following review helpful. A late, loony, self- parodying masterpiece By A Customer "Cymbeline" is my favourite Shakespeare play. It's also probably his loopiest. It has three plots, managing to drag in a banishment, a murder, a wicked queen, a moment of almost sheer pornography, a full-on battle between the Romans and the British, a spunky heroine, her jealous but not-really-all-that-bad husband, some fantastic poetry and Jupiter himself descending out of heaven on an eagle to tell the husband to pull his finger out and get looking for his wife. Finally, just when your head is spinning with all the cross-purposes and dangling resolutions, Shakespeare pulls it all together with shameless neatness and everybody lives happily ever after. Except for the wicked queen, and her son, who had his head cut off in Act 4."Cymbeline" is, then, completely nuts, but it manages also to be very moving. Quentin Tarantino once described his method as "placing genre characters in real-life situations" - Shakespeare pulls off the far more rewarding trick of placing realistic characters in genre situations. Kicking off with one of the most brazen bits of expository dialogue he ever created, not even bothering to give the two lords who have to explain the back story an ounce of personality, Shakespeare quickly recovers full control and races through his long, complex and deeply implausible narrative at a headlong pace. The play is outrageously theatrical, and yet intensely observed. Imogen's reaction on reading her husband's false accusation of her infidelity is a riveting mixture of hurt and anger; she goes through as much tragedy as a Juliet, yet is less inclined to buckle and snap under the pressure. When she wakes up next to a headless body that she believes to be her husband, her aria of grief is one of the finest WS ever wrote. No less impressive is her plucky determination to get on with her life, rather than follow her hubby into the grave.Posthumus, the hubby in question, is made of less attractive stuff, but when he comes to believe that Imogen is dead, as he ordered (this play is full of people getting things wrong and suffering for it), he rejects his earlier jealousy and starts to redeem himself a tad. There's a vicious misogyny near the heart of this play, as Shakespeare biographer Park Honan observed, kept in balance by a hatred of violence against women. The oafish prince Cloten, who lusts after Imogen, is a truly repellent piece of work, without even the intelligence of Iago or the horrified panic of Macbeth; his plan to kill Posthumus and rape Imogen before her husband's body is just about as squalid and vindictive as we expect of this louse, and when a long-lost son of the king (don't even _ask_) lops Cloten's head off, there are cheers all round.Shakespeare sends himself up all through "Cymbeline". I wonder if the almost ludicrously informative opening exposition scene isn't a bit of a gag on his part, but when a tired and angry Posthumus breaks into rhyming couplets, then catches himself and observes "You have put me into rhyme", we know that Shakespeare is having us on a little. Likewise, the final scene, when all is resolved, goes totally over the top in its piling-on "But-what-of-such-and-such?" and "My-Lord-I-forgot-to-mention" moments.Yet the moments of terror and pity are deep enough to make the jokiness feel truly earned. When Imogen is laid to rest and her adoptive brothers recite "Fear no more the heat o' the sun" over her body, it's as affecting as any moment in the canon. That she isn't actually dead, we don't find out until a few moments later, but it's still a great moment.Playful, confusing, enigmatic, funny and shot through with a frightening darkness, this is another top job by the Stratford boy. Well done.

22 of 26 people found the following review helpful. misleading and outdated By A Customer This is probably one of the most outdated and misleading of the Arden editions. Nosworthy really doesn't like the play and dismisses it as an experiment leading up to _The Tempest_. Even his editing of the text is affected by his reading of the play. Only scholars who know something about Shakespeare should venture here.

22 of 27 people found the following review helpful. Simply Magnificent By Sean Ares Hirsch A combination of "Romeo and Juliet," "Much Ado About Nothing," "As You Like It," and "King Lear?" Well somehow, Shakespeare made it work. Like "Romeo and Juliet" we have a protagonist (Imogen) who falls under her father's rages because she will not marry who he wants her to. Like "Much Ado About Nothing," we have a villain (Iachimo) who tries to convince a man (Posthumus) that the woman he loves is full of infidelity. Like "As You Like It," we have exiled people who praise life in the wilderness and a woman who disguises herself as a man to search for her family in the wilderness. Like "King Lear," we have a king who's rages and miscaculated judgement lead to disastorous consequences. What else is there? Only beautiful language, multiple plots, an evil queen who tries to undermind the king, an action filled war, suspense, a dream with visions of Pagan gods, and a beautiful scene of reconciliation at the end. While this is certainly one of Shakespeare's longer plays, it is well worth the time.

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Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare
Cymbeline (Annotated), by William Shakespeare

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

How an idea can be got? By looking at the superstars? By visiting the sea as well as taking a look at the sea interweaves? Or by reviewing a book The American Claimant (Illustrated), By Mark Twain Everyone will certainly have certain characteristic to gain the inspiration. For you that are passing away of books and always get the inspirations from publications, it is really fantastic to be here. We will show you hundreds compilations of guide The American Claimant (Illustrated), By Mark Twain to review. If you similar to this The American Claimant (Illustrated), By Mark Twain, you could also take it as all yours.

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

Read Online and Download Ebook The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

 The Colonel Mulberry Sellers here re-introduced to the public is the same person who appeared as Eschol Sellers in the first edition of the tale entitled "The Gilded Age," years ago, and as Beriah Sellers in the subsequent editions of the same book, and finally as Mulberry Sellers in the drama played afterward by John T. Raymond. The name was changed from Eschol to Beriah to accommodate an Eschol Sellers who rose up out of the vasty deeps of uncharted space and preferred his request—backed by threat of a libel suit—then went his way appeased, and came no more. In the play Beriah had to be dropped to satisfy another member of the race, and Mulberry was substituted in the hope that the objectors would be tired by that time and let it pass unchallenged. So far it has occupied the field in peace; therefore we chance it again, feeling reasonably safe, this time, under shelter of the statute of limitations. MARK TWAIN. Hartford, 1891. 

 No weather will be found in this book. This is an attempt to pull a book through without weather. It being the first attempt of the kind in fictitious literature, it may prove a failure, but it seemed worth the while of some dare-devil person to try it, and the author was in just the mood. Many a reader who wanted to read a tale through was not able to do it because of delays on account of the weather. Nothing breaks up an author's progress like having to stop every few pages to fuss-up the weather. Thus it is plain that persistent intrusions of weather are bad for both reader and author. Of course weather is necessary to a narrative of human experience. That is conceded. But it ought to be put where it will not be in the way; where it will not interrupt the flow of the narrative. And it ought to be the ablest weather that can be had, not ignorant, poor-quality, amateur weather. Weather is a literary specialty, and no untrained hand can turn out a good article of it. The present author can do only a few trifling ordinary kinds of weather, and he cannot do those very good. So it has seemed wisest to borrow such weather as is necessary for the book from qualified and recognized experts—giving credit, of course. This weather will be found over in the back part of the book, out of the way. See Appendix. The reader is requested to turn over and help himself from time to time as he goes along.

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

  • Published on: 2015-05-02
  • Released on: 2015-05-02
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

About the Author Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910). He is best remembered for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (often considered to be The Great American Novel).

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

Where to Download The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

Most helpful customer reviews

23 of 26 people found the following review helpful. The absolute best of Mark Twain? By Jack Purcell No. Nothing by Mark Twain can qualify as his 'best'. The breadth of his writing career cuts too wide a swath for such a statement. However, The American Claimant, obscure though it is, is certainly among his best.The American Claimant is about Americans, the way they view themselves, the way they are viewed by others through the eyes of a British nobleman. Even though a century has passed since the book was written, most of the acute observations are as true today as when it was written.A family of Americans descended from an eldest son of a British Earl, Lord Rossmore, has been claiming the title for many generations. The actual young Earl, filled with idealism, decides to abdicate, to change places with the American claimant. He travels to the US with the intention of contacting Colonel Mulberry Sellers, the claimant, to exchange places. Sellers is an American dreamer, always down on his luck, an inventor, a philanthropist of sorts.Through a series of Keystone Kops misfortunes the Earl loses his letters of credit, assumes the clothing of bank robber from the west, takes up life in a boarding house of workmen, determined to make a life on his own and abandon the wealth of his past.This is the setting for The American Claimant. The Earl discovers the American dream isn't quite as it is cracked up to be, discovers his taste for the common man is far less palatable in close proximity. Every attempt to find employment is thwarted until he discovers himself to be a worthy hack as an artist.Fate takes a hand in the lives of the young Earl and the heir of the claimant, leading to a zesty, if predictable wrap-up.As with every book by Mark Twain, this one is fun. It is astute. It is thought provoking. It is well written, the characters sympathetic and mostly believable, the plot, circuitous in the best Mark Twain tradition. It also contains an element of subtle wisdom and tongue-in-cheek observation more finely honed than in many of the earlier writings.The author declared in the beginning that this would be a story without weather. He held to his promise, but in the end provided weather for the story in an appendix, for those who must have it.I don't know why this book has fallen by the wayside. It shouldn't have done so.I recommend it for any reader, but especially for American ones.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Among Twain's Best By eric3742 I read Twain primarily for his humor. This book is one of his better efforts in that genre. His droll, tongue-in-cheek humor wasn't as prevalent as in his short story, "The Diary of Adam and Eve", but there was still plenty of it, as was some of his off the wall sarcastic wit.The plot line is full of mistaken identities, misunderstood efforts, and general confusion; it was somewhat reminiscent of R.L. Stevenson's "The Wrong Box".I found myself grinning on occasion, while reading this book, and even chuckled a time or two. It was an entertaining, fun read, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a light, pleasant evening.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Very funny farce By Bomojaz What we have here is an American (Mulberry Sellers) infatuated with English peerage who believes he is the rightful heir to the Earl of Rossmore and the real Earl who decides to throw over his title, come to America, and try out good old American egalitarianism where titles don't mean a hoot. So Lord Berkeley comes to America, is mistakenly thought burned to ashes in a hotel fire, but has in the meanwhile donned the cowboy outfit of One Armed Pete, a western outlaw and bank robber with a $5,000 award on his head. Desperate to find work but unable to, Berkeley begins to doubt the wisdom of his experiment in America, but then gets a job as a painter's assistant (Twain makes fun of the limitations of artists here and it's hilarious). Sellers is an inventor and schemer and is always coming up with a new contraption (the "Cursing Phonograph") or crazy idea (shifting the tropics to the arctic); Berkeley meets his daughter Sally and they instantly fall in love. Mistaken identity and misunderstandings hamper their relationship, though it's always more funny than serious. Everything gets straightened out, of course, by the end. Twain's humor here is more farcical than satirical, and he knows how to pour it on thick and keep the laughter flowing. The best scene is where Sally dismisses Berkeley (who by that time is going by the name of Howard) because she thinks he's only after her father's earldom. Not only is the whole scene ridiculously wacky, but her despair at not being kissed by him after she tells him to leave is only the rich icing on the cake. The book is a lot of fun, though not among the very first rank of Twain's work.

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The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain
The American Claimant (Illustrated), by Mark Twain

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

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Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

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Janet Davis' comprehensive text is now a video! Learn the basic techniques commonly used on five-string banjo to accompany vocalists and instrumentalists. Separates the various back-up techniques into categories determined by song tempo, by lead instrument being accompanied, and by the area of the fingerboard in which the chords are being played. Presented by one of America's finest banjo teachers! There is also a companion book to this video.

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1518179 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-28
  • Released on: 2015-05-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

About the Actor Janet Rice Davis

was born and raised in Houston, Texas, where music has always been an integral part of her family life. Although Janet's formal musical training was primarily in the classical field, she was fascinated with the stringed instruments, particularly those involved with folk and bluegrass music. In college she played the guitar and sang as a folk and blues musician in many of the Austin clubs, learning from such greats as Lightning Hopkins, Janis Joplin, and other well-known musicians, who played the same clubs. Today, Janet is primarily known as a bluegrass and five-string banjo specialist.

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Where to Download Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Great treatment of a specialty topic By A Customer Great book. Typical clear Janet Davis writing and tabs. Has many exercises. Good section with tab for melody followed by tab for back-up. Tape record one and play the other against it!

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. okay for intermediates By frmertd I am an intermediate banjo player,I used this book when I had about 8 songs under my belt and found I needed to play backup. It is decent, gets the job done, has a video with it that is decent too. My favorite backup banjo ( this is ONLY for backup) instructional material is from Accutab and is a dvd called ( I cant remember the exact name) something like 3rd position backup or up the neck backup. Both are similiar, they show an early intermediate player who may know from 4-15 songs how to start playing backup. Banjo players are well known for playing loud obnoxious backup and hopefully these will help reverse that trend(!) The book/dvd is good but not excellent, make sure to get the dvd with it!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book for foundation and drills for Blue Grass Banjo By J1957 I got this book when I first began playing the banjo back in the late 1970s. Its even better now because of the DVD that accompanies it. Not like the old vinyl record or Cassette tapes of yesteryear. great tool. Janet Davis is fabulousJon

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Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis
Back-Up Banjo, by Janet Davis

Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

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Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Don't Play Like Me!  Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

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This book is a selection of some of the easier tactical problems from my book “Progressive Tactics: 1002 Progressively Challenging Chess Tactics”. As the “Don’t Play Like Me” title implies, the selected tactics are all positions where I fell victim to one of my opponent’s tactics, so they are all from real over-the-board games and are of the type that you can expect to see in your own games. The purpose of this book is simple – it is intended to raise your rating (or just greatly improve your game if you’re not a rated player). Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of why practicing tactics is so critical to improvement, I’ll just tell you about my own experience. I started playing tournament chess in the 1980’s and spent about 20 years rated in the 1500-1650 range while I studied opening books, endgame books, and strategy books to no avail (you can see my rating graph here: http://main.uschess.org/datapage/ratings_graph.php?memid=12413721). Over the years I had read occasional comments about the importance of focusing on tactics above all else, but it never really sunk in. Sometime in 2007, I read a column by the outstanding instructor Dan Heisman about the importance of tactics, that was so well written and persuasive, that it finally sunk in that I needed to try focusing on tactics. Well, suffice it to say that it worked. I started working on tactics in the excellent book “Sharpen Your Tactics” by Anatoly Lein (almost) every day and my rating rose to a peak of 1845. Then sometime in 2009 I gradually got away from working on tactics for various reasons and my rating plummeted back to 1600. In 2012 I started studying tactics once more and peaked at 1858 at which point I started working on this book and stopped doing my daily tactics practice and… my rating plummeted again. Since finishing the book, I’ve gotten back to daily tactics practice and my rating has again started climbing. So why THIS tactics book as opposed to others. First of all, it contains tactics from real amateur games – the kinds of tactics you’re likely to see in your own games! Second, it has large board diagrams that you can touch to see the answer and explanation with an arrow showing the solution move already made which one reviewer called ” a great help for beginners with a low visualization capability”. There’s no flipping back and forth like you have to do in other tactics books! I think you’ll find this book to actually be fun! So buy this book, enjoy it, and watch your rating rise!

Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #744332 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-18
  • Released on: 2015-05-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Don't Play Like Me!  Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Where to Download Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. It's Helpful By Collin Officer It's a book that will definitely help raise your rating as it gives you 75 situations then shows you the best move.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Amazon Customer Interesting and well presented.

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Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture
Don't Play Like Me! Tactics From the Games of a Chess Hobbyist, by Dave Couture

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

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Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Best Ebook Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Highlighting legends such as Mary Astor, John Wayne, Alfred Hitchcock, Spencer Tracy, Lana Turner, Gary Cooper, Patricia Neal, Betty Hutton, and Bob Hope, Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends uncovers stories of recovery and conversion - intimate portraits that often contrast with the more common profiles of these all-too-human stars. Many were touched by infidelity, alcoholism, unbridled ambition, or other moral failings that often seem to characterize life in Hollywood. Some had deathbed conversions, others underwent a gradual process of conversion; each found solace in embracing the Catholic faith.

While taking nothing from their fame, Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends shows that even those who seem to have it all need the hope, strength, and fortitude provided by faith.

Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #126790 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-05-06
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 371 minutes
Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Where to Download Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. A Book for All Seasons By Charles Scribner In that seductive realm of mirage and illusion, from the hills of Hollywood to the firmament of stars, Mary Claire Kendall has uncovered authentic wellsprings of faith and divine illumination that transform our understanding of these legends of the silver screen. Her aptly titled book will indeed refresh the soul and enrich our view of Hollywood in its heyday. It is not only a lively, engaging, entertaining, and uplifting book; it is a treasure.' --Charles Scribner III, author of The Shadow of God: A Journey Through Memory, Art, and Faith.

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Catholicism is not required By Fuzzy's Mom As a non-Catholic person, the stories of conversion had less impact on me than had I been of a similar persuasion. I think there would have been additional resonance had that been the case.It did not impede my enjoyment of the stories. We all have heard those tragic stories of those who burned brightly and then imploded under the glare of stardom. Each of these stories to a greater or lesser degree could so easily been another one.What each story told was how that celebrity, often in the twilight of their lives, found peace and acceptance through a return to faith. They are all told with compassion but without hiding the personal flaws and tragedies that led the celebrities to the brink. Whether you are a religious person or not, you can appreciate the impact a caring heart and sympathetic ear can mean to a person who feels lost and abandoned. It makes the book accessible and enjoyable for all who choose to read it.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. even Hollywood legends can be saved and Mary Claire Kendall proves it in her wonderful, revealing book By Cj Mccloskey III Yes, even Hollywood legends can be saved and Mary Claire Kendall proves it in her wonderful, revealing book, Oasis—telling the stories of Hollywood actors and actresses who found peace of mind and soul in their conversion to the Catholic Church; or, in the case of one legendary director, famous for his cameos, his return to the Church. This book is not only spellbinding but also shows that all occupations, even in Hollywood, can put people on the way to salvation. I congratulate the author and look forward to more of her writings on Hollywood and the entertainment world.Fr. C. John McCloskey is a Church historian and Research Fellow at the Faith and Reason Institute in Washington DC

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Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall
Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, by Mary Claire Kendall

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Just for you today! Discover your favourite e-book right here by downloading and install and obtaining the soft documents of guide Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, By Chris Keniston This is not your time to traditionally go to guide shops to buy a book. Below, selections of publication Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, By Chris Keniston as well as collections are offered to download. Among them is this Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, By Chris Keniston as your recommended publication. Getting this book Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, By Chris Keniston by online in this site could be understood now by seeing the web link web page to download. It will be very easy. Why should be below?

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Download Ebook PDF Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Haunted by nightmares since the unexpected death of her husband, Pamela Sue Crawford moves home to the small Texas town where she grew up, hoping to find peace. Too quickly Pam discovers she'll need more than familiar surroundings to find the peace she craves. When a childhood friend dies after seeking Jefferson Parker's counsel, he faces doubts about his ability to follow in his father the minister's footsteps. The last thing Jeff needs is another tormented parishioner under his care in the form of Pam Crawford. Could an old woman's stories of life in World War II Texas be exactly what they both need to unravel the secrets of the past? Or will the truth be more heartwrenching than the lies?

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

  • Published on: 2015-05-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.99" h x .64" w x 5.00" l, .69 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 286 pages
Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

About the Author A native New Yorker, Chris Keniston was on her way to Australia when she fell in love with North Texas. Little did she know the balmy seventy degree October days would turn into fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk heat in August! Twenty years later, she started scribbling short stories about her favorite TV shows, giving them lives more to her liking - and the elusive happy ending. Not long after, a dear friend dragged her to a local writer's meeting. After winning multiple writing contests and finaling in the prestigious Golden Heart Contest, Chris has penned five contemporary novels and now spends her days, and nights, writing contemporary romantic fiction with lots of emotion and plenty of surprises - and of course - the happily ever after. Chris lives in suburban Dallas with her husband, two human children, and two canine children. Though she loves her puppies equally, she admits being especially attached to her German Shepherd rescue named Gunny. After all, even dogs deserve a happily ever after.

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Where to Download Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. You gotta love small towns! By usmgrad Picture if you will a small town in Texas, where everyone knows everyone and the grapevine has strong roots. A boy, Jefferson Davis Parker (I love that name) returns home after "sewing his wild oats" to step in as pastor for his father, recovering from a heart attack. While temporary pastor, there is a tragic loss of life in the congregation and Jeff blames on himself. A girl, Pamela Sue Dawson, returns home two years after the death of her husband in hopes of "chasing" away the nightmares that have plagued her since his violent death and her attack. Boy meets girl, boy hires girl to be a temporary secretary of the church and that's when the fun begins! Between his mom, her sister, the neighbor, the coach, and the chairman of the Board of Directors of the church, misunderstands abound!If you like a sweet, light hearted romance, this book is for you. If you like a mystery you won't be disappointed. Between Pamela's nightmares and Jeff wanting to leave the ministry to return to the world of business, mysteries abound. And then there's the totally unexpected twist at the end!Do not hesitate, get a copy of Hope's Corner and settle down for a good read.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Hope for love springs eternal By Cher While it may seem strange that a tragedy could lead to romance, in this book it does. Two people fighting different "demons" wind up snagging the brass ring on the carousel of life.I enjoyed reading how the main characters each dealt with their own issues all the while fighting their attraction to each other. I also enjoyed getting to know some of the other residents of the town. Here's hoping there's a chance for another book to continue their stories!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Hope there is more Hope's Corner Coming By nose in a book This is the third Chris Keniston book that I have read. While I have enjoyed them all, this one was my favorite. This was a very sweet romance with wonderful characters. It had a great mixture of suspense and romance. The ending seemed to hint of more to come for Pamela Sue's siblings. I would love to read more about the residents of Hope's Corner.

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Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston
Hope's Corner: A Family Secrets Novel, by Chris Keniston

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

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Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by  Charles River Editors

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by  Charles River Editors

Free PDF Ebook Online Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

America has always celebrated its star entertainers, but Frank Sinatra remains a unique American legend. A pop culture fixture for over half a century, Sinatra's music is still cherished, and his persona remains its own archetype of the quintessential American star. Sinatra transcended genres to the extent that his music stands alone as its own kind of American music, with songs like "New York, New York," "Chicago," and "Come Fly With Me" instantly recognizable among all Americans.

Of course there was also the life that went with the music. The cultural identity of the Rat Pack, epitomized in the 1960 film Ocean's Eleven, further contributed to his fame, and everyone knows and appreciates the image of easy living, smooth voice, and exuberant star power that Sinatra represents. If anything Sinatra's ability to make so many people feel happy and good about themselves was one of the main ingredients of his success. And as evidence of the fact that Americans don't mind their stars doing a little dirt, Sinatra's rap sheet and relationship with the mob are practically a celebrated part of his life.

Like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin is an American legend for his longevity and success across a garden variety of different platforms. Martin began as a nightclub singer, performed in a comedy act, starred in films, recorded hit albums, and capped his career by serving as a television host. In fact there may be no star who was better able to transcend the different avenues of entertainment.

Martin's life and career are often compared to his close friend and contemporary Frank Sinatra and for good reason. Both came from proud Italian families, both were cohorts in the famed Rat Pack in the 1960s, and they each maintained success even late in their careers. However, Sinatra's career was filled with far more ups and downs than Martin, and his public image experienced highs and lows along with it. It's also somewhat ironic that it was Martin who anglicized his name but remained a bigger Italian icon than Sinatra. They each began their careers as Italian crooners, but Martin maintained his style while Sinatra adopted a brasher, more All-American singing method. Martin never strayed far from his humble background, even as he became one of America's biggest stars.

Show Business Icons profiles the life and career of two of America's most famous performers.

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #162346 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 140 minutes
Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by  Charles River Editors

Where to Download Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Okay but Flawed By Arthur L. Hellyer I enjoyed the book which is short (as this series tends to be), covering just the highlights of Sinatra's and Martin's lives, and flawed. Flaws first: In the bio of Frank Sinatra, two of the great band leaders mentioned, Harry James and Benny Goodman, were both identified as singers. Unfortunately, they are both most famous for being masters of band instruments - James, the trumpet, and Goodman, the clarinet. I did not catch any other information flaws, but I am not an expert on Sinatra's life, either, so there just might be other errors that I am not knowledgable enough to catch. There were also some text mishaps, but not so many as to make more than one or two paragraphs a little hard to understand. The Dean Martin bio was also short and sweet.The book is worthwhile if you spend less than a couple of bucks for it. There are some excellent biographies, better written, much more expensive and much longer, available for both gentlemen that I am certain are much better than this volume. That being said, as an intro to the lives of these great singers, but only an intro, this book works. It's easy to read and, except for the text problems mentioned above, it is actually enjoyable. Plus, the spelling is spot-on. You also can't beat two biographies in one book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. As always, those little summary books are filled to the rim with such unique and hard to find information!!!! By Mustang Fyant I learned a lot about the history of iconic characters and what made them tick. I guess the Rat Pack was just a bunch of boozers that likes to play hide the hot dog and really live it up to make the other men jealous. I'm glad I wasn't one of their inner circle. BUT, I guess it does help to have connections with the MOB. I'm sure they were all "good" in their heads. No one is perfect and they sure had fun trying to be.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good By TomH I just got my Kindle replaced and was downloading books . Took a break and wanted a short book . They miss a few things in their careers but get most . I missed 'Ryan's Express'(I think) and a few of Martin's movies . On the other hand , lots of details and just fun . I discovered a new variety . I read the book on my Kindle and went to YouTube songs of theirs while I was reading . Actually great fun that way . Tom

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Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors
Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin: Show Business Icons, by Charles River Editors

Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

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Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

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SHORT VERSION - TEN MINUTE ROUTINE In our rushed, hectic, go-go-go modern world, it can be hard to remember to take care of yourself. But this one body is all each of us has to make it through an entire lifetime. What we do to our bodies - the stress we subject them to, the damage we do to the muscles and ligaments - stays with us every waking moment. We owe it to ourselves to nurture this delicate vehicle which moves us through our world. Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal is the short version of my full hour-long routine. It can be used when you travel, when you're busy, and pretty much any other time that you need to keep your time quick. Both this and my full-length yoga book are FREE on all systems. Study after study finds that yoga helps with lower back pain, depression, energy levels, balance, post-traumatic stress, focus, sleep, and much more. Whether you need to reset after a busy day or wish to have more joy in your daily life, yoga can help. It nurtures your body and embraces your soul. Join us to take that first step forward into a healthier, happier you. Namaste. Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal is intended to be free on all systems, to help those who are in need of support find a step toward a more contented life. If the system you are currently on requires a charge to download, all author's proceeds will benefit battered women's shelters. It is the short version of my longer yoga book, which is also free. Together they ensure you are able to do yoga every day no matter what life throws at you. If you have never done yoga at all, I highly recommend you start with a live human being helping you in person. That person can ensure you hold the poses in a healthy, safe way. If you don't have access to a human, at least use a video of some sort to see the poses in motion. It's like learning the harp or learning to swim - you need to see how the whole body moves. My book then helps you understand my personal sequence of poses, to create an atmosphere of stress relief and forgiveness. Feel free to contact Lisa if you have any questions about her routine - she's happy to help!

Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

  • Published on: 2015-09-22
  • Released on: 2015-09-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Where to Download Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great Exercises to Connect Mind, Heart, Body, and Spirit! Amazing that it's free! By Dove I downloaded a copy of this book from Amazon awhile back. I did not read it until today, because i was hoping to find some videos on Youtube about Yoga. I have not found any good videos. So, I decided to read this book, because I really do not have much more than ten minutes a day for Yoga -- mostly because my apartment complex can be very noisy, and I try to meditate and stretch when it is quiet. I decided to put on some headphones, listen to some meditation music, and try out the exercises in this book. i am soo grateful for this book! these are really great, simple exercises that I can do without having to reread this book each time I do them. I think after a couple times, I can get into the swing of doing this routine by heart. The exercises in this book helped me disconnect from the outside world for a bit. Thank you so much for making this book ! And thank you for making it free! You are doing such a great service. Bless you. And thank you, again!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great short session book By Mandy F. I saw this book and thought I would give it a try. This really is a short book. It does have plenty of poses to get you through a quick yet thorough stretch. Great for the beginner or some one wanting ideas on exactly what to do for a very short yoga session. Let's face it, our lives become ever busier by the second and any way to slow down and relax for a minute is a welcome escape. You can find time to do these well described poses. The more movement you can get into your day the healthier you will be.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Perfect, easy poses for beginners By amazon customer 1085 Short and sweet. Easy poses for beginners to add to daily routine. Pictures help show correct pose

See all 7 customer reviews... Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

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Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea
Ten Minute Yoga for Stress Relief, Focus, and Renewal, by Lisa Shea

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

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Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Best Ebook Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Missed Conception is a memoir of one woman's mission to conceive despite the challenges of having PCOS. Through laughter and tears, this book provides support to other women wanting to become mothers.

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1285759 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-26
  • Released on: 2015-09-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Where to Download Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Inspiring and hope-filled By Brenda Thank you, Ms. Shields, for helping those of us who struggle with fertility problems. Your frank way of writing is easy to read and down-to-earth, and the letters to your "long-anticipated" child are touching. Your fertility success is the impetus needed for people like me, who sometimes feel like giving up. I'm so glad I found this book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Such a great book for anyone enduring infertility By Amanda C Whaley Such a great book for anyone enduring infertility. Definitely able to relate to the author. An emotional but quick and easy read.

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Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields
Missed Conception: Trying to Conceive with PCOS, by Katherine Shields

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

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You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

Download Ebook You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

‘You first’ is about respecting and understanding what you really want—and then going out to achieve it.   In Brunette Ambition, Lea Michele shared a lot of the secrets and stories behind her success, and how she manages to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle despite her hectic schedule. Now, in her second book, she will teach readers how they, too, can be their best selves. In Lea's opinion, keeping a journal and asking yourself the hard questions about what you want out of life is the best way to achieve your dreams, so she has outlined a series of exercises, prompts, and lists based on her own personal program. Lea's guided journal will address all the topics she wrote about in Brunette Ambition, including fitness, diet, work, school, and relationships, but with all-new material to help readers reach their goals. Peppered between the advice and exercises will be fun personal anecdotes from Lea to motivate and inspire readers to put themselves first and live their best life.

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #58534 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-22
  • Released on: 2015-09-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.28" h x .85" w x 6.22" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Journal
  • 240 pages
You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

About the Author LEA MICHELE is a best known for her performance as Rachel Berry on the critically acclaimed, Golden Globe-, Grammy-, and SAG-award-winning Fox television series Glee, as well as Ryan Murphy’s newest series, Scream Queens. She is the author of New York Times bestselling health and lifestyle guide, Brunette Ambition, and her chart-topping album Louder debuted at #4 on the Billboard 200. She has starred in four Broadway shows, and has been nominated for an Emmy, a SAG Award, and multiple Golden Globes. She lives in Los Angeles.

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

Where to Download You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

Most helpful customer reviews

26 of 27 people found the following review helpful. Great for organizing your life. By Amazon Customer In her guided journal, Lea speaks with the same tone that you would expect from a close friend asking questions about your day to day lfie. She asks about your expectations, your values, and your goals. Her questions are open ended and nonjudgmental.The journal itself is broken up into four different sections, further broken into 3 chunks each. There is plenty of space for you to write your thoughts, and the colors are aesthetically very pleasing.However, not all sections may be relevant to you. The very first chunk is all about your family history and speaking to relatives. If you're anything like me, you don't have access to that knowledge. It was a bit disheartening to open straight to that. That being said, everyone will be able to find something of use in the pages of this book.The writing is generally very easy to read, most of the type is some various shade of purple. The book itself is beautiful, and the decorations are cute. There is a horrible cursive font that's used pretty frequently that's kind of difficult to read, but you get used to deciphering it. It's dedicated to Jonathan Groff, which I thought was super sweet.Over all, I think this is a great place to start for someone looking to organize their life and take control. This is a book dedicated to putting you first, and Lea does a great job of putting together fun quizzes and gentle prodding to make you reflect deeply on the choices you have made and will make in the future.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. If you are an admirer of Lea Michele, this book will make you love her even more By B&C Arroyo You First, by singer, actress, and author Lea Michele, will win your heart and hold your attention, as she provides practical tools to help you see the very best in yourself and further help you overcome unhealthy patterned behaviors that are consuming your life. Furthermore, the wisdom and transparency Lea Michele brings into these pages is refreshing!If you are an admirer of Lea Michele, this book will make you love her even more. I greatly enjoyed this book/interactive journal and recommend it to anyone looking for a permanent change___________________________________________WHAT I LIKED:+ Lea Michele’s voice in You First is altogether wonderful. She engages with the reader in such a personal way by inviting her audience into her own accomplishments and painful struggles, and by providing easy solutions to life’s problems in a highly entertaining and empowering way+ You First is deeply engaging ― it is not the type of book one would sit back and take in, rather it is a book that requires one’s full attention and participation in on order to reap the full benefits of the book and for its message to resonate deep within the heart. In other words, it calls for vulnerability and this in turn will shift the way you think+ Truly, You First is jam-packed with so much inspirational wisdom and insight. My favorite section was YOU ― which covered topics on fitness, nutrition and diet. Lea Michele’s honesty about maintaining a properly balanced diet, observing our behavioral patterns, and dietary accountability was so encouraging and motivating. This section also features a Fun Food Challenge which encourages the reader to eliminate certain foods (i.e. gluten, dairy, sugar etc.) from their diet to test Lea’s theories ― this entire section was so well done, I could go on and on!WHAT I DIDN’T LIKED:- My only reservation with You First was with the ROOTS section of the book. I confess there was a sense of hopelessness as this section in particular encourages the reader to dig into their maternal and paternal heritage, and well, not all of us were raised with both biological parents; thus, this may be a bit of a setback for those nurtured otherwiseAFTERTHOUGHTS:While engaging and reading this book, I discovered that one of the most powerful weapons we possess in life is our own human will. We, alone, are the only ones who truly hold the potential to see good fruit in our lives and to be the change we long to see in ourselves and in the world

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. ... are interesting starting a journal it is a very nice starting off point By J. Mcbride If you are interesting starting a journal it is a very nice starting off point. Insisting set up and open ended questions to get you started.

See all 51 customer reviews... You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

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You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele
You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life, by Lea Michele

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

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Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

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International Comedy Stage Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Consultant Alan Bates “by Royal Appointment” is pleased to announce the launch of his autobiography “WIDE AWAKE”. This is the life story of one of the world’s greatest hypnotists – Alan Bates. We find him first as a young English schoolboy with just one aim in life – to have as much fun as humanly possible, and at whatever the cost. You should now be feeling the overwhelming desire to join Alan on his crazy adventure as he takes you through his tough yet crucially formative childhood. “Bates you are going nowhere in life!” (Head Teacher). Just how wrong can you be! From virtually no qualifications and no future to discovering his talents as an entertainer, we watch as Alan’s life takes an upward trajectory that takes him around the world – dining with royalty, ambassadors and high commissioners, even afternoon tea with the President of Malta – onwards and upwards to the very top of his profession. He’s been a toolmaker, disc jockey and broadcaster, cruised the Caribbean as ship’s casino manager – but meeting the rich and famous and enjoying the finer things in life paled on discovery of his true talent and vocation, the art of hypnosis. Skills were honed entertaining in tough back-street clubs before promotion to the giddy heights of theatre, television and, the ultimate pinnacle, the honour of royal performance. He had made it and had become one of the world’s greatest hypnotists. Read also about the life changing potential of hypnotherapy and the countless individuals whose lives have been improved and even saved thanks to Alan’s skills. And discover the ghostly and psychic side of life (and death). Journey back in time via tales of strange past life regressions. Hear also Alan’s disturbing first-hand accounts of exorcism, haunted houses, and a close encounter with a UFO. Most of all, this book will leave you feeling positive about life and reassure you that dreams can come true!

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.27" h x .52" w x 5.91" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 228 pages
Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Thought compelling, intriguing and entertaining. By Rose Marie Cassar Thought compelling, intriguing and entertaining. Alan Bates has opened for us a window into the fascinating world of hypnosis, the supernatural and the paranormal; the journey of a man in pursuit of making this world a better place and at the same time enjoying the ride. Nothing short of brilliant. A must read.

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Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates
Wide Awake: The Autobiography, by Alan Bates

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

As we explained before, the modern technology helps us to consistently realize that life will certainly be constantly less complicated. Reviewing book Superior Productivity In Health Care Organizations: How To Get It, How To Keep It, By Paul Fogel routine is additionally one of the benefits to get today. Why? Innovation can be made use of to give guide Superior Productivity In Health Care Organizations: How To Get It, How To Keep It, By Paul Fogel in only soft data system that can be opened whenever you want as well as almost everywhere you need without bringing this Superior Productivity In Health Care Organizations: How To Get It, How To Keep It, By Paul Fogel prints in your hand.

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Free Ebook PDF Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

“Whether from the point of view of our industry, our own organization, or our individual leadership, we will be stronger for having read this book.”—Kenneth D. Graham, FACHE, President & CEO, Overlake Hospital Medical Center, Bellevue, WA“[This] easy-to-read book guides the reader through a step-by-step process for improving productivity in any organization, regardless of size.”—Carolyn St. Charles, BSN, MBA, Senior Professional Services Consultant, Brim Healthcare, Brentwood, TNWhen deteriorating margins jeopardize your hospital’s or health system’s financial health, take your organization off the critical list with Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It.Loaded with practical, enduring solutions, this book will help hospital and health system management reclaim lost productivity in a surprisingly short time and at low cost. Based on the author’s direct experience with over 60 hospitals, the text takes you step-by-step through the process from analysis to implementation of productivity standards and beyond.Dozens of incisive illustrations, tables, flowcharts, and case studies illuminate the text’s core concepts of measurement, accountability, simplicity, and fairness.Get the only book that tackles head on the productivity and viability issues on the minds of hospital administrators, physicians, corporate health system staff, financial executives, practice management administrators, clinical and technical managers, business planning and financial analysts, marketing specialists, health care consultants, and undergraduate and graduate students in health administration.

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #496266 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-30
  • Released on: 2015-09-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Review “Paul Fogel challenges conventional thinking about productivity and creates a new paradigm based on core principles of structure, accountability and alignment. The easy to read book, guides the reader through a step-by-step process for improving productivity in any organization, regardless of size.” (Carolyn St. Charles, BSN, MBA, Senior Professional Services Consultant Brim Healthcare, Brentwood, TN 2001-01-01)“With practical prescriptions Mr. Fogel addresses real issues and provides real-life practical solutions. Whether from the point of view of our industry, our own organization, or our individual leadership, we will be stronger for having read this book.” (Kenneth D. Graham, FACHE, President & CEO Overlake Hospital Medical Center, Bellevue, WA 2001-01-01)"A fresh and creative look at an old subject!" (Donna Foth, RN, MBA, President Accelerated Business Strategies, LLC 2001-01-01)"the author's analysis of accountability and of the relationships among responsibility, authority, and mission is excellent … this book can be highly recommended to anyone interested in enhancing the productivity of a health care organization." (Quality Management in Health Care 2001-01-01)"a well organized examination of the problems that affect productivity in a health care organization … packed with information" (Executive 2001-01-01)"Paul Fogel lays out a logical program to help organizations move from poor performance to optimal performance by controlling their largest expense – labor." (Health Progress 2001-01-01)

About the Author Paul Fogel is the President of Executive Information Systems, Inc. The firm produces a financial reporting and forecasting system for hospitals and offers services in productivity improvement, benchmarking, operations analysis, feasibility studies, and business planning. Mr. Fogel offers a unique perspective gained from working in more than 50 hospitals. Mr. Fogel wrote the feature article for the August 2000 issue of Healthcare Financial Management magazine titled "Achieving Superior Productivity." The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) also hired him to conduct a workshop called "Benchmarking in Action." Mr. Fogel also leads training workshops for the American College of Healthcare Executives and the Healthcare Financial Management Association. After earning an MBA, Mr. Fogel began work as a financial analyst with several commercial and savings banks and later moved on to venture capital, and then to hospitals as Manager of Strategic Business Analysis, reporting to the CFO. In 1995 he joined MECON, Inc., a national benchmarking and consulting firm to the health care industry (later a division of GE Medical Systems). As senior manager, he educated, trained, and consulted with more than 40 different hospitals, including the United States Army. Becoming self-employed in 1997, Mr. Fogel engaged in extensive long-term work with a Seattle hospital as a productivity and benchmarking consultant. In 1999, he concluded an engagement with the fourteen hospitals of California’s Catholic Healthcare West chain. In 2003, he completed work on a financial reporting, productivity, and budgeting system for hospitals and formed a company to bring it to market.

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Where to Download Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Roadmap to a Culture of Productivity By kgahsc For years, now, Paul Fogel has been the Dean of Healthcare Productivity. If you've participated in either his ACHE or HFMA sponsored seminars, you will agree that Paul brings a level-headed, pragmatic, clear approach to the seemingly arcane topic of labor productivity management."Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations" is simply... a superior effort. Paul deftly covers the topics critical to implementing logical, understandable, consistent, collaborative labor productivity management "systems" in your hospital. When I refer to "systems", I mean both people and technical systems - Paul rightly considers the former key to your success.Directed toward hospital leaders, this book serves as a blueprint for: 1) establishing appropriate, achievable staffing standards, 2) effectively monitoring and reporting progress toward goals and 3) implementing accountability (including rewards) for performance - all three the core elements of a Culture of Productivity.Not only have I purchased a copy for myself, but have bought and distributed several more - to both hospital leaders and fellow consultants.Keith GottAuthor, "A Productivity Practicum"

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Excellent Book on Establishing Accountability By Ryan Morthole This book was an excellent, easy to read, step by step book on establishing accountability, which ultimately feeds into Superior Productivity. As an organization trying to shift its culture, this book was an incredible eye opener on how to instill the changes throughout our organization to bring upon the results we are looking for. I found myself learning and finding the answers I have been looking for to push our changes with productivity to the next level. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is struggling to get there departments within their organization to be accountable for their costs and improve their producivity. The Author's experience on the subject is shown within this book as he quickly and easily guides you towards Superior Productivity.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A must read! By George J. Malyk Paul Fogel takes you on a rollercoaster ride through hospital efficiency (or lack thereof) and spits you into a featherbed of knowledge that only a mind of pure genius could construct. He walks you step by step through a morass of pitfalls, complacency, pedagogues and territorialism and guides you to the promised land of positive change with diplomacy, compassion and common sense. I highly recommend this book to anyone dealing with changing corporate culture with a view to increasing service quality and overall efficiency. You will learn from the master.

See all 5 customer reviews... Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

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Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel
Superior Productivity in Health Care Organizations: How to Get It, How to Keep It, by Paul Fogel

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout,

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

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Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Read Online Ebook Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Get the “Heavenly” Body You’ve Always Dreamed Of! Are you ready to make a change? Do you want to gain strength and fitness? Would you like to look your best – even with your shirt off? When you purchase Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God – Shredded Through Calisthenics and Street Workout, you’ll gain access to a wealth of information to help you overhaul your body – and your fitness habits. The step-by-step instruction in this book will help you make a huge improvement to your health and physique. From getting a physical before you begin to specific exercises for targeting your individual muscle groups, this book gives you everything you need to know to revolutionize your body – the safe and healthy way! Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God – Shredded Through Calisthenics and Street Workout teaches you how your muscles work, which factors to monitor for burning fat, and how to prepare for and separate your workout. This book helps you get it all under control with a simple and efficient system. You’ll learn about street workouts, calisthenics, and yoga for endurance. Even without weights, you can sculpt a body worth of the Classical masters! Don’t Wait - Read Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God – Shredded Through Calisthenics and Street Workout right away, and start getting in shape – Today! You’ll be so glad you did!

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #892598 in Books
  • Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Published on: 2015-09-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .43" w x 6.00" l, .52 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 188 pages
Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Where to Download Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Most helpful customer reviews

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful. This book is a comprensive primer on how to get fit & healthy. By Carolyn Hertz I received a free kindle copy of Becoming a Greek God: Shredded Through Calisthenics and Street Workout by Andrew Creager in an Amazon promotion.I gave this book four stars. He gives information to aid in success in exercising as well as improving your health. Something that impressed me was he strongly suggested getting a physical first & following your doctor's advice.Another point of interest was focusing on the physical & mental benefits of exercise. It can help anxiety, depression & other mental illnesses. In addition you can lose weight, get in shape & have a healthier lifestyle.If a person is new to working out, using weights is not necessary. Body weight alone is sufficient in the beginning.Nutrition is an important part of becoming healthy when working out. Staying appropriately hydrated is important as well. Wait at least three hours after eating to work out.Remember to stretch. After stretching, warm up. Also cool down by gentle stretching again.Different body parts worked out on six days. Take one day to rest & heal.This book is a comprensive primer on how to get fit & healthy.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Greek God By Juliana Pierson Frankly speaking, I got this book for my husband. I have read it with him and I can say that there are many useful things written in this book. I really liked it. My husband also will do his best to manage to follow the important rules and guidelines written here.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Starting to work out? Get this book! By Mark Sabadasz ¨So to start off, I should definitely recommend this book to begginners and those, who want to start doing something for their health. The book covers anything you need to know from A to Z in order to start exercising. Author really goes in deep about being fit in order to start exercising (doing a physical before you start) and really makes sure that nothing happens that can be prevented. There are also some nifty routines and strategies included, as to what you should follow, when you start visiting gym. Habits you should build.Exercises included are understandable and accompannied by pictures (like half of them, anyway, the rest is just in a written form). Every muscle group you have, book mentions, with details as to what exercises should be done in this area and such. I found very little about back, though. There is also a chapter about diet and supplements, which will show you some basic guildelines to follow as well. I would take advice from here with a grain of salt, especially in the supplement area, as I cannot relate to everything written here. For example taking nitrix based supplement before sleeping. At least in my case, there would be no sleep if I took it. Book also suggests only two supplements. One being multi-vitamin, which is okay and fine and creatine, which is okay and fine as well, BUT. Book doesn’t tell you anything about how you should take it. Creatine should only be taken in cycles, accompanied by certain workout program for the best results. Body will build up a resistance to it when taken everyday and its effect on the body will diminish over time.All in all, if we assume the book is targeted at beginners, it did a great job! Staying on the safe side of things; it delivered everything ranging from preparations, diet, exercises, basic supplements, detailed muscle groups descriptions, staying hydrated and throwing a yoga chapter in there as well. However if you are more advanced, there is nothing new waiting for you.TL:DR- Good begginners guide for starting with exercising- Pictures of excercises shown in most cases- Author makes sure that you take every step necessary in order to be healthy before you start- Some discrepancies regarding supplements (nitrix and creatine, purely my opinion)- Missing pictures at some of the excercises make them really hard to picture- Really little to nothing about back muscle group for some reason- Recommended!

See all 74 customer reviews... Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

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Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager
Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout, by Andrew Creager